Shoot for the stars
Our workflow
Mobile application development done right.
Step 1
Scope & Analysis
During the first step, we communicate with you to define the main goal of your app. We’ll identify the problem to which your app will be the solution. Then, we determine the requirements needed in order to make sure we achieve your goal and deliver the best product possible.
Step 2
Strategy & Planning
We define the project roadmap, build you a dream team of developers, engineers, designers who will be assigned to the creation of your application and create a backlog of all the tasks that will need to be done. We also plan the sprints using Agile methodologies and define the important milestones of the process.
Step 3
UX/UI Design
During this step, we create a user-experience (UX) wireframe to visually show you what the users of your mobile app will see and how they will interact with it. When the UX is done and optimized for a great user-friendly experience, we design the user interface (UI) and provide you with a complete visual representation of what your app will look like.
Step 4
A typical mobile app project is made up of three main parts; API(s), mobile front-end, and back-end/server technologies. During this stage, the cross-functional team working on your project will conduct short, effective scrum meetings during each 2-week sprint to ensure fluent communication and to make sure the milestones are achieved.
Step 5
Quality assurance (QA) testing is the step that will make your application usable, reliable and secure. Different types of testing will be conducted to ensure your app responds to the initial guidelines: user-experience testing, functional testing, performance testing, security testing and device/platform testing are all necessary to reduce the chances of facing issues.
Step 6
Releasing a mobile app on the Apple App Store for iOS apps and the Google Play Store for Android Apps is the last phase, but it doesn’t stop there. The launch is merely the start of your journey in the mobile apps world. At this point, you’ll be able to continuously validate your idea with key metrics, adjust, iterate and study your market in order to scale.
Sky is the limit
Thanks to automation, site reliability engineering (SRE) and DevOps, we’re always ready to allow your app to scale and unlock its full potential.
From the very first version, we design and develop your app by keeping in mind your best-case scenario, your “Endgame”: which is most probably to achieve sustainable growth. The difference between a success story and a failure isn’t creativity. It’s the ability to predict the possible outcomes and preparing for them, as well as adapting quickly and seamlessly to the events you can’t predict. This starts with innovative software development, and that’s our passion.
On every platform
As of January 2020, the market share for Android and iOS in North America is about 48% Android and 52% iOS.
We develop native applications on both platforms. Native development requires using a different source code for both platforms, whereas cross platform app development lets us develop both the iOS and Android versions with a shared operating environment. Wondering if you should start your project on a single platform instead of both? If you know you want both, should you go with native or cross platform development? Well, it depends on many factors unique to each case.

On every display